Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Wooden Purse"

Every now and then I paint on these wooden purses or cigar boxes.  I like painting them and think I need to paint them more often.  Here's one name "Bit-O-Honey".  It's already sold, but it was one of my favorites.  


Style Noir said...

I've stumbled into your world via Brooklyn Circus.

Sweet. Jesus.


Ronnie said...

Have you thought about doing some of these for Etsy! said...

I saw your art a few years back when I did Folk Fest. I love your art, just didn't make enough $ to buy a painting. So glad I found your art again. Keep painting. ~PJ

Lenoxave said...

They're lovely. You should definitely make these available on etsy. I'd snap them up in a minute.